Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Response - Ron Foster, Craig Franklin, Beverly Bardi Foster, and some back story.

I found this posted.  This is the response.  

If Morgan is going to continue to post her asinine blatherings on the web she would learn to spell and punctuate. After all, she is now 45 years old and approaching menopause. Time to grow up, if this is possible for someone without conscience.

The posting, to which this is a response, originated from the theft of my personal papers by the Gells, entrusted to them under Power of Attorney, for an entirely different matter. Anyone dealing with the Gells should keep in mind many have learned they are not to be trusted, stealing and breaking any promises when this might in any way benefit them.

The specific document, from which this small section is reproduced, came from a declaration written by my daughter, Dawn Pillsbury. The events, which she interpreted in ways which astonished me, took place when she was 12. The document, here reproduced in its entirety, was written when she was in her early twenties so her comments should be taken with a grain of salt. Dawn marches to the tune of a very different drummer. The section regarding her adopted father, Craig Franklin, was attested to by multiple witnesses. 

I put her understanding of my marital affairs, most of which, naturally, took place out of her sight and beyond her knowledge, to her rather active imagination.Many things she related were a surprise to me.  Jokes were made about polyandry.  It was actually more closely akin to indentured servitude from my point of view.  Craig's 'purchase' of me as a wife was witnessed, as related by Dawn by all of the children.  Since Ron and I were, as we had agreed, divorced, this was a great deal from his, Ron's perspective. 

The facts are far more prosaic.

Her father, Ron Foster and I decided to get a divorce in 1981. This was fairly amicable. He was spending all of his recreational time playing either video games, in particular Buried Bucks, or at game parties with friends which went on all weekend. He was also drinking heavily.   I was, at the time, an officer in the Libertarian Party and active in several community groups and at the children's school. We lived entirely separate lives. We agreed each of us was free to date others, putting off the formal divorce until certain matters were handle, namely, finishing the room addition so my parents could be repaid.  

Having Ron live at the house during the period before the divorce was intended to let us accumulate enough money to finish the room edition, for which, we had borrowed money from my parents. 

My parents had previously loaned us the money to purchase the house when Ron's parents evicted us from the home they had agreed to sell us in West Los Angeles.  Albert and Ilene Kellett, Ron's parents, had asked us to wait to continue to rent the home while they sold one house a year, as part of their capital augmentation plans.  When they had finished disposing of their other holdings, Albert, Ron's father, discovered the worth of the house had doubled or tripled, due to the upward motion of the real estate market in Los Angeles.  This took place in 1977.

I was, at  the time, between eight and nine months pregnant with our son, who would be named Arthur.

We moved days before Christmas into a smaller and run down house in Reseda, all we could afford, because of having agreed to wait.

My parents dipped into their savings to make the down payment possible.   Ron immediately started a room addition, which he never finished, this interfering with his gaming activities. A second loan from my parents, explicitly made to finish the house  was made around 1980.  Instead of using the money for its intended purpose Ron decided to buy gold. 

These events played largely into my determination to get Ron out of my life and the lives our our children. 

This state of affairs ended on Thanksgiving of 1994 when Ron battered me and the children. I reported him to the police. He was arrested. I have the subsequent documentation and can make it available, if the need arises.

Ron told me the gold purchased with the money loaned by my parents had been spent for other purposes. I later learned he had simply hidden it. This asset was later snorted by Ron's second wife, Beverly.

I learned about the sale of the gold by Beverly from Arthur, who briefly, lived with her and Ron.   Beverly, whose breakfast consisted of a six pack of beer, according to Arthur, asked him to sell the gold for her to obtain drugs, which she then snorted. Arthur recounts  this very clearly and is willing to make a declaration on these facts, and more.

He also remembers Ron bringing home dinner for Beverly on the back of his motorcycle, a second six pack.

Eventually, I repaid the loans while married to Craig Franklin, who adopted the children. I thought it better they not have Ron and Beverly in their lives.  During the period from 1985 - 1988 Ron had been caught using the two girls to manicure his marijuana prior to selling it.He was, at the time, serving as an adult adviser for the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. 

Having Ron as a father was traumatic. Dawn's full statement does not include her own attempt to eliminate Ron, for many reasons, when she was five years old by stuffing his drunken head in the oven. She obtained the assistance her two younger siblings to drag him, still too drunk to respond, into the kitchen while I was away for two days at a conference. After this time a friend cared for them in my absence.

Morgan was, at this time, around 13, living with my parents and not privy to these events, which I did not care to share with my parents, wishing to spare them concern and, myself, embarrassment.  I am no longer worried about being embarrassed.  The time for truth has come. 

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